Welcome to My Shiny New Website


Welcome to my shiny new website. I feel like a proud Mum showing off her newborn baby to the world. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside everytime I look at it - which is quite a lot at the moment. Hopefully my SEO ratings will improve but right now I think I'm solely responsible for most of my website traffic. 

SEO aka Search Engine Optimisation. Another piece of technical jargon that I've had to get my head around. I think of it like this; Imagine that every time you go into your local shop, theres a bell on the door that announces your arrival to the shopkeeper. Google analytics counts the number of times that bell rings and adjusts your ratings accordingly. The more people visiting the shop, the more visibility you get in online searches. However, does Google realise it's me wandering in and out several times a day,  shuffling aimlessly around just to admire the wallpaper and counter display? Im sure that shopkeeper would have slapped a restraining order on me by now and I bet that bell is driving him nuts.

In my head I can hear my technically savvy friends (yep - you know who you are) talking in a soothing, patient voice.

“Mo love, stick to what you know. Write about the cakes” And yes I will, I promise. My next blog will be about all things cakey, but right now I've got to dash - need to pop to the shop…

RecipesEleanor Stones